The basic claim of embodiment theory is that all psychological processes are influenced by the body, including sensory systems, motor systems, and emotions.(Glenberg, 2010)
As it continues to evolve, it has been noted that embodiment is a tangible attribute of human interaction with music.
Its sensory-motor basis and the role it plays in different musical contexts is one of the main sources for our understanding of the fundamentals behind human-music interaction.(Leman et al., 2017)
" Using the human body as an instrument is probably more of an experimental performance in which I can imagine that the tone, timbre and instrumental elements of a song are constantly changing under the influence of body movements."
" Human motion cannot be defined into several fixed patterns, compared with DJ keyboard"
" How to simplify and categorise the user's body movements when processing a song? "
“By incorporating an intuitive mechanism, the project grants users the flexibility to interact spontaneously through body movement, while also ensuring that the produced music retains a sense of coherence. This balance of spontaneity and structured sound generation is expected to provide users with a more immersive, fulfilling and participatory interaction environment.”
Participants interact very differently with content and information that's presented to them, the way they ingest, their emotional state, physical state will alter that interaction.
Each recommendation was supported by specific user quotes and observations gathered during the qualitative research.