Bachelor of Architecture | 2014-2019
In June of 2019, I graduated from Shandong University of Architecture and Engineering in China. There, I became obsessed with architectural visualisation.

I was deeply fascinated in the concepts of modularity and adaptability — how our built environment could organically evolve in conjuction with our lifestyles and larger societal forces.
This is my Journey
—  As a curious and passionate designer and explorer.
Working as an Architect | 2019-2021
my experience spans a diverse range of projects and involved everything from bidding and design brainstorming to on-site surveys, as well as project management alongside construction teams and real estate clients.

This period has endowed me with a holistic perspective on collaborative teamwork and the nature of the design industry.
Make It Happen | 2022-2023
To my advantage, I was able leverage a lot of the skills and design principles I had picked up during architecture school to greatly expedite my journey of UX Design.

My year at Goldsmiths, collaborating with a team of diverse cultural and technical backgrounds, was an incredibly unique and enriching experience for me.

I loved solving problems by making stuff, and really valued visual storytelling and paying meticulous attention to precision and craftsmanship.
Seeking for more...
Transitioning from architecture to UX design marks my journey—shifting from physical to digital creation.

I've started delving into the UX industry through an internship, taking on projects that involve both app, website and service systems.
With my beloved mentor & Module leader: Nick Hine
In my spare time
When I'm not busy working in front of the computer, you can find me taking leisurely walks in the park or enjoying movies at the BFI Southbank theatre.
I also love exploring museums and gallerys, where I find inspiration for my design projects.

These activities provide a refreshing break from the digital world and fuel my creativity.